Social Marketing

expertise-socialCWA Strategic Communications believes that social marketing – an approach to addressing issues (most often, public health issues) that helps develop activities and interventions aimed at changing or maintaining people’s behavior – is key to creating marketing and communications campaigns that are successful in influencing individual behavior. A critical component of this approach is formative research. Such research allows for the development of a campaign that reaches the audience where they want to be reached with messages that will move them. Using the results of formative research, we develop core messaging and a brand that are key elements of the entire campaign. As materials and interventions are developed, formative research continues with field testing, which leads to refinement of materials based on field test results. Campaigns are only begun once their elements have been fully vetted by the audience, leading to a more effective campaign that drives the results our client desires.


  • Stakeholder/Constituent Engagement
  • Focus Groups
  • Individual Interviews
  • Brand Development
  • Creative Services
  • Field Testing

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Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program – New Mexico Department of Health